
The systematic process of prioritizing and categorizing patients or situations based on the severity of their condition, urgency of treatment, and available resources.


Emergency Triage:

Triage conducted in emergency settings to quickly assess and prioritize patients based on the severity of their injuries or medical conditions.


Primary Assessment:

The initial evaluation in triage, focusing on identifying life-threatening conditions and determining the urgency of medical intervention.


Immediate (Red) Category:

The highest triage category indicating patients with life-threatening injuries or conditions requiring immediate attention and intervention.


Urgent (Yellow) Category:

Triage category for patients with serious injuries or conditions that do not pose an immediate threat to life but require prompt medical attention.


Delayed (Green) Category:

Triage category for patients with non-urgent injuries or conditions, allowing them to receive medical care after more critical cases have been addressed.


Expectant (Black) Category:

The triage category indicating patients with injuries or conditions that are unlikely to survive even with medical intervention, often requiring palliative care.


Mass Casualty Incident (MCI):

A situation in which the number of casualties overwhelms the available resources, requiring efficient and rapid triage to prioritize care.


Triage Nurse:

A healthcare professional responsible for conducting triage, assessing patient conditions, and determining the appropriate level of care.