Transitional Care Unit

A specialized healthcare facility or designated area within a hospital designed to provide short-term, comprehensive care for patients who are transitioning from one level of care to another, often focusing on rehabilitation and recovery.


Bridge Care:

Temporary and intensive care provided in a TCU to support patients during the transition from a hospital stay to returning home or moving to another healthcare setting.


Rehabilitation Services:

Therapeutic interventions and exercises offered in a TCU to help patients regain function and independence, often following surgery, illness, or a significant medical event.


Subacute Care:

Intermediate-level care provided in a TCU, focusing on patients who no longer require acute hospital care but still need more support than traditional post-acute care settings.


Multidisciplinary Team:

A collaborative group of healthcare professionals, including physicians, nurses, therapists, and social workers, working together in a TCU to provide holistic and individualized care to patients.


Patient and Family Education:

The provision of information and training to patients and their families in a TCU to enhance understanding of the patient’s condition, treatment plan, and self-care strategies.


Discharge Planning:

The process of preparing patients for a smooth transition from a TCU to their home or another healthcare setting, involving coordination of services and support for continued recovery.


Home Assessment:

An evaluation of a patient’s home environment conducted in a TCU to identify potential challenges or hazards and to ensure a safe return home.


Respite Care:

Short-term care provided in a TCU to relieve family caregivers temporarily, offering them a break while ensuring that the patient’s needs are met.


Functional Independence Measure (FIM):

A standardized assessment tool used in TCUs to measure a patient’s functional abilities and level of independence in activities of daily living, helping guide rehabilitation plans.