Therapy Area

A specific field or category within healthcare that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of a particular set of medical conditions or diseases.



A specific medical condition or disease for which a particular therapy, drug, or intervention is approved and intended to treat.



The collection of drugs or therapies that a pharmaceutical company is currently developing or testing for potential use in a specific therapy area.


First-Line Treatment:

The initial therapy prescribed for a particular condition, often considered the most effective or commonly used as a starting point in treatment.


Adjuvant Therapy:

Additional treatment given after the primary therapy, usually to enhance the effectiveness of the main treatment or reduce the risk of recurrence.


Standard of Care:

The established and widely accepted treatment protocols or approaches for a specific therapy area, based on current medical knowledge and guidelines.


Breakthrough Therapy:

A new treatment or drug that demonstrates significant improvement over existing therapies for a particular condition, often fast-tracked for approval by regulatory authorities.


Off-Label Use:

The use of a drug or therapy to treat a medical condition not specifically approved by regulatory authorities, but within the bounds of accepted medical practice.


Personalized Medicine:

Tailoring medical treatment to the individual characteristics of each patient, often involving genetic or molecular information to determine the most effective therapy.



Therapeutic substances derived from living organisms, such as antibodies or proteins, used to treat specific conditions within a therapy area.