
A healthcare technology company that specializes in providing solutions for patient flow, operational efficiency, and capacity management within healthcare facilities.


Patient Flow Optimization:

The strategic management of the movement of patients through various stages of care within a healthcare facility. TeleTracking systems aim to optimize patient flow for improved efficiency and resource utilization.


Capacity Management:

The process of effectively allocating and managing available resources, including beds, staff, and equipment, to meet the demands of patient care. TeleTracking systems assist in real-time capacity monitoring and planning.


Real-Time Location System (RTLS):

A technology used by TeleTracking to track the real-time location of assets, patients, and staff within a healthcare facility. RTLS enhances visibility and enables efficient resource allocation.


Patient Throughput:

The speed and efficiency with which patients move through the healthcare system, from admission to discharge. TeleTracking solutions focus on optimizing patient throughput to reduce bottlenecks and improve overall care delivery.


TeleTracking Command Center:

A centralized hub or platform that provides real-time data and analytics on patient flow, bed availability, and other key metrics. The command center enables healthcare administrators to make informed decisions and respond to challenges promptly.


Capacity Command Center:

A component of TeleTracking systems that focuses on optimizing capacity within a healthcare facility. It involves monitoring bed availability, staffing levels, and other resources to ensure efficient patient care.


Predictive Analytics:

The use of data and statistical algorithms to forecast future trends and events. TeleTracking systems often incorporate predictive analytics to anticipate patient admission patterns and resource needs.


TeleTracking Mobile App:

A mobile application that allows healthcare professionals to access TeleTracking data and functionalities on the go. The app provides real-time information, enabling quick decision-making and communication.


Patient Status Board:

A visual display within TeleTracking systems that provides an overview of patient statuses, bed availability, and other critical information. It helps healthcare teams make rapid assessments and prioritize patient care.