Speech Trauma Center

A specialized facility or unit within a healthcare setting that focuses on the assessment, diagnosis, and rehabilitation of individuals who have experienced trauma affecting their speech and communication abilities.


Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP):

Definition: A trained healthcare professional in a Speech Trauma Center who specializes in the evaluation and treatment of speech and language disorders resulting from trauma, injury, or other medical conditions.



Definition: A communication disorder often caused by brain trauma, impacting the ability to understand or express language, both verbally and in written form.



Definition: A motor speech disorder resulting from trauma or damage to the nerves or muscles involved in speech, leading to difficulties in articulation, voice quality, and overall speech clarity.


Apraxia of Speech:

Definition: A disorder in which the ability to coordinate and plan the movements necessary for speech is impaired, often caused by trauma to the brain.


Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI):

Definition: Damage to the brain caused by an external force, leading to a range of cognitive, physical, and communication challenges, frequently addressed in a Speech Trauma Center.


Articulation Therapy:

Definition: A therapeutic approach in a Speech Trauma Center aimed at improving the clarity and precision of speech sounds, commonly used for individuals with speech disorders resulting from trauma.


Cognitive-Communication Therapy:

Definition: Rehabilitation focused on addressing cognitive deficits impacting communication skills, often necessary for individuals who have experienced trauma affecting cognitive function.


Voice Therapy:

Definition: Rehabilitation aimed at improving vocal quality, pitch, and resonance, commonly provided in a Speech Trauma Center for individuals with voice disorders resulting from trauma.


Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC):

Definition: Techniques and tools, such as communication boards or electronic devices, used in a Speech Trauma Center to assist individuals with speech challenges or those who are nonverbal due to trauma.