Risk Retention Group (RRG)

A specialized type of insurance company formed by members who share similar risks and create a cooperative to provide liability insurance coverage for themselves.

Liability Insurance:

Coverage that protects individuals or organizations from financial loss due to legal liabilities, such as bodily injury or property damage claims, which RRGs offer to their members.



Individuals or entities that belong to an RRG and collectively own and control the group, participating in the decision-making processes related to risk management and coverage.


Homogeneous Risk Pooling:

The principle that RRGs are formed by members with similar or related risks, allowing for a more focused and specialized approach to underwriting and risk management.


Captive Insurance Company:

An insurance company established by its owner(s) to provide coverage for specific risks, with RRGs functioning as a type of captive insurer.

Alternative Risk Transfer (ART):

Strategies beyond traditional insurance, including RRGs, where businesses or organizations retain or transfer their own risks in a customized and cooperative manner.


Underwriting Discipline:

The careful evaluation of risks by an RRG during the underwriting process, ensuring that members with similar risk profiles are included and that the group remains financially stable.



The jurisdiction or location where an RRG is chartered and licensed to operate, with each state in the U.S. having its own regulations regarding RRG formation.


Risk Retention Act (RRA):

Federal legislation passed in 1981 that enabled the formation of RRGs, allowing certain organizations to retain and self-insure their liability risks.


Claims Administration:

The management and processing of insurance claims, often handled by a third-party administrator on behalf of an RRG to ensure efficient and fair claims resolution.



Payments made by RRG members to fund the coverage and operational expenses of the group, typically determined based on the assessed risks of each member.


Risk Management Services:

Services provided by RRGs to help members identify, assess, and mitigate risks, promoting a proactive approach to managing potential liabilities.



The practice of transferring a portion of the risk assumed by an RRG to another insurer (reinsurer), helping to spread the risk and enhance financial stability.