
A medical term referring to the likely course and outcome of a disease or condition, often expressed as the likelihood of recovery or deterioration.


Clinical Course:

The progression of a disease or condition over time, encompassing various stages and manifestations that contribute to the overall prognosis.



A period during the course of a disease when symptoms are reduced or absent, indicating an improvement in health.


Survival Rate:

The percentage of individuals with a specific disease who are alive at a designated time after diagnosis or treatment, providing insights into long-term prognosis.



The process of returning to a normal or healthy state following illness or injury, a key component of a positive prognosis.


Terminal Illness:

A medical condition for which there is no cure, and the prognosis indicates eventual death. Palliative care is often provided to improve quality of life.



The advance or development of a disease, often involving the worsening of symptoms or the spread of the condition.


Prognostic Factors:

Specific characteristics or variables associated with a disease or condition that help predict its course and outcome, guiding clinicians in determining prognosis.



The return or worsening of symptoms after a period of improvement, impacting the overall prognosis and treatment plan.


Quality of Life:

A multidimensional assessment of an individual’s well-being, including physical, mental, and social aspects, which contributes to the overall prognosis.


Response to Treatment:

The degree to which a patient’s symptoms improve or disease progression is halted in response to medical interventions, influencing the overall prognosis.


Functional Status:

An individual’s ability to perform activities of daily living, which is often considered when assessing prognosis and planning care.


Palliative Care:

Specialized medical care focused on providing relief from symptoms and improving the quality of life for individuals with serious illnesses, irrespective of prognosis.



The presence of two or more medical conditions in an individual, which can complicate the prognosis and treatment plan.