Preferred Provider

A healthcare professional, facility, or service provider that has entered into an agreement with an insurance company or managed care organization to offer services at discounted rates to plan members.


In-Network Provider:

A healthcare provider who is part of a preferred network and has agreed to accept negotiated rates for services, resulting in lower out-of-pocket costs for the insured individual.


Out-of-Network Provider:

A healthcare provider who does not have a contract with a specific insurance plan or managed care organization, often resulting in higher costs for the insured individual.



The collective term for all preferred providers, including doctors, hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare professionals, who have agreements with an insurance company or managed care organization.


Provider Directory:

A listing or database of preferred providers within a network, helping insured individuals locate healthcare services covered by their insurance plan.



Authorization from a primary care physician or healthcare provider for a plan member to receive services from a specialist or another healthcare professional within the preferred network.


Primary Care Provider (PCP):

A designated healthcare professional, often a family doctor or internist, who serves as the main point of contact for the insured individual and coordinates their healthcare services.



A healthcare provider with expertise in a specific area of medicine, such as a cardiologist, orthopedist, or dermatologist, often requiring a referral for services.


Co-payment (Co-pay):

A fixed amount that insured individuals pay for covered services, such as doctor visits or prescription medications, at the time of service.



The amount an insured individual must pay out of pocket for covered services before the insurance plan begins to cover costs.


A cost-sharing arrangement where the insured individual pays a percentage of the total cost of covered services, with the insurance plan covering the remaining percentage.


Preferred Provider Organization (PPO):

A type of managed care health insurance plan that allows members to receive healthcare services from both in-network and out-of-network providers, with financial incentives for using in-network providers.