Patient Safety Organization (PSO)

An entity, often independent or affiliated with healthcare institutions, dedicated to improving patient safety and healthcare quality by collecting, analyzing, and sharing data on adverse events and near misses.


Adverse Event:

An unintended harm to a patient resulting from medical care, treatment, or the lack thereof, prompting investigation and analysis to prevent future occurrences.


Near Miss:

An event that could have resulted in harm to a patient but did not, providing valuable insights into potential vulnerabilities in healthcare processes and systems.


Patient Safety Culture:

The values, beliefs, and practices within a healthcare organization that prioritize and promote patient safety, fostering a collaborative and proactive approach to risk reduction.


Event Reporting System:

A structured mechanism within healthcare organizations and PSOs for staff to report adverse events, near misses, and unsafe conditions, contributing to a culture of transparency and continuous improvement.


Root Cause Analysis (RCA):

A structured investigation process aimed at identifying the underlying causes of adverse events or near misses, with the goal of implementing corrective actions to prevent recurrence.


Learning Health System:

A healthcare organization or network that actively integrates data, insights, and experiences from patient care to continuously improve processes and enhance patient safety.


Quality Improvement (QI):

Systematic efforts to enhance healthcare processes, outcomes, and patient safety, often involving the use of data and evidence-based practices to drive positive change.


Patient Safety Reporting System:

A comprehensive system that includes mechanisms for reporting, analyzing, and disseminating information related to patient safety incidents within a healthcare organization or PSO.


Safety Culture Survey:

A tool used to assess the perceptions and attitudes of healthcare staff regarding patient safety within an organization, providing valuable feedback for improvement initiatives.