Patient Safety Officer

An individual within a healthcare organization responsible for leading and coordinating efforts to enhance patient safety, oversee safety initiatives, and promote a culture of continuous improvement.


Adverse Event:

An unintended and harmful outcome resulting from medical care, treatment, or the lack thereof, prompting investigation and analysis by the Patient Safety Officer.


Near Miss:

An event that had the potential to cause harm to a patient but was prevented, providing an opportunity for the Patient Safety Officer to investigate and implement preventive measures.


Root Cause Analysis (RCA):

A structured investigation process led by the Patient Safety Officer to identify the underlying causes of adverse events or near misses, with the goal of implementing corrective actions.


Patient Safety Culture:

The collective values, attitudes, and behaviors within a healthcare organization that prioritize and promote patient safety, a key focus area for the Patient Safety Officer.


Quality Improvement (QI):

Systematic efforts led by the Patient Safety Officer to enhance healthcare processes, outcomes, and safety through data-driven analysis and evidence-based practices.


Event Reporting System:

A mechanism overseen by the Patient Safety Officer for healthcare staff to report adverse events, near misses, and unsafe conditions, fostering a culture of transparency and continuous improvement.


Safety Huddle:

Regular, brief meetings facilitated by the Patient Safety Officer to discuss safety concerns, share information, and proactively address potential risks to patient safety.


Patient Safety Walkround:

A proactive approach by the Patient Safety Officer involving informal discussions with frontline staff to identify safety concerns, gather insights, and promote open communication.


Patient Safety Indicators (PSIs):

Specific metrics monitored by the Patient Safety Officer to assess and measure aspects of healthcare performance related to patient safety, providing benchmarks for improvement.


Disclosure and Apology:

A communication strategy led by the Patient Safety Officer, encouraging open and transparent communication with patients and families about adverse events, expressing regret, and discussing resolution.