Patient Origination

The initial point or source from which a patient enters the healthcare system, often referring to the first interaction, such as a primary care visit, emergency room admission, or virtual consultation.


Healthcare Touchpoint:

Any interaction or encounter a patient has with the healthcare system, including appointments, admissions, and communications, contributing to their overall journey.


Care Entry Point:

The specific location, department, or healthcare professional where a patient begins their care journey, influencing subsequent interactions and the overall patient experience.


Patient Onboarding:

The process of orienting and integrating a patient into the healthcare system, ensuring they understand their care plan, have access to necessary resources, and feel supported in their journey.


Referral Pathway:

The route that patients follow when referred from one healthcare provider or service to another, impacting the flow and coordination of care within the patient journey.


Digital Patient Entry:

The use of online platforms, apps, or telehealth services as a point of entry for patients to engage with healthcare providers, offering convenience and flexibility.


First-Contact Care:

The initial healthcare encounter a patient has, often with a primary care physician or an urgent care facility, influencing subsequent care decisions and pathways.


Patient Navigation:

Supportive services designed to assist patients in navigating the complexities of the healthcare system, ensuring they access the right care at the right time.


Admission Point:

The location or process where a patient is formally admitted to a hospital or healthcare facility, marking a crucial point in their care journey.


Telehealth Onboarding:

The process of introducing and familiarizing patients with virtual healthcare services, ensuring a smooth transition to remote or online care options.


Care Coordination Hub:

A central entity or system responsible for coordinating and managing various aspects of a patient’s care journey, ensuring continuity and collaboration among healthcare providers.


Patient Experience Hub:

A centralized approach to managing and enhancing the overall patient experience, focusing on all touchpoints throughout the patient’s healthcare journey.


Integrated Care Model:

A healthcare delivery approach that aims to seamlessly connect different healthcare providers and services, creating a unified and patient-centric experience.