Patient Journey

The complete experience of an individual navigating through the healthcare system, from the first point of contact to ongoing care and, if applicable, end-of-life considerations.



Specific interactions or encounters between a patient and the healthcare system, including appointments, consultations, tests, and follow-ups, contributing to their overall journey.


Patient-Centered Care:

A healthcare approach that prioritizes the individual needs, preferences, and values of patients throughout their journey, ensuring their active involvement in decision-making.


Care Continuum:

The seamless and coordinated progression of care across different healthcare settings and providers, enhancing the overall patient journey.


Health Literacy:

The ability of individuals to understand and use health information, influencing their capacity to actively participate in their care journey.



Enabling patients to actively engage in their healthcare decisions and treatment plans, fostering a sense of control and ownership over their journey.


Digital Health Tools:

Technologies and apps that support and enhance the patient journey, including telehealth services, mobile applications, and patient portals for information and communication.


Decision Aids:

Resources provided to patients to facilitate informed decision-making at critical points in their journey, ensuring alignment with their values and preferences.


Shared Decision-Making:

A collaborative approach where healthcare providers and patients work together to make decisions about the patient’s care, considering medical evidence and personal values.


Patient Navigation:

Assistance provided to patients to help them navigate the complexities of the healthcare system, ensuring timely access to necessary services and resources.


Palliative Care:

Specialized care focused on relieving symptoms and improving the quality of life for patients facing serious illnesses, often integrated into the patient journey.


Transition of Care:

The process of moving a patient from one healthcare setting to another, ensuring continuity and coordination of care for a smooth journey.


Patient Engagement:

The active involvement of patients in their own healthcare, promoting communication, education, and collaboration throughout their journey.


Cultural Competence:

The ability of healthcare providers to understand, respect, and respond effectively to the cultural needs and backgrounds of patients throughout their journey.