Patient Acuity

A measure of the severity or complexity of a patient’s condition, often used to determine the level of care and resources required for effective treatment.


Acuity Level:

The classification of a patient’s condition based on factors such as vital signs, symptoms, and overall clinical status, guiding healthcare providers in prioritizing and managing care.


High Acuity:

Refers to patients with complex medical needs, severe symptoms, or critical conditions requiring intensive monitoring and immediate interventions.


Low Acuity:

Describes patients with less severe or stable medical conditions, typically requiring routine care and less intensive interventions.


Nursing Acuity:

The assessment of nursing workload based on the number and complexity of patients, influencing staffing levels and resource allocation on nursing units.


Critical Care:

Specialized medical care provided to patients with life-threatening conditions or high acuity, often delivered in intensive care units (ICUs) or critical care settings.


Acuity Index:

A numerical representation of patient acuity within a healthcare facility, helping to gauge the overall intensity and demand for resources.


Patient Dependency:

The degree to which a patient relies on healthcare professionals for assistance and care, impacting the overall acuity assessment.



The process of prioritizing patients based on the severity of their condition, ensuring that those with higher acuity receive timely attention and care.


Acuity Scoring System:

A standardized tool used by healthcare providers to assess and quantify the acuity of patients, aiding in decision-making and resource allocation.


Resource Utilization:

The efficient allocation of healthcare resources, including staff, equipment, and facilities, based on patient acuity levels and care requirements.


Emergency Department Acuity:

The classification of patients in the emergency department based on the urgency and severity of their medical needs, facilitating timely and appropriate care.