Oncology Information System

A comprehensive digital platform designed to streamline and integrate information related to the diagnosis, treatment, and management of cancer patients.


Electronic Health Record (EHR):

A digital record of a patient’s health information, including medical history, diagnoses, medications, and treatment plans, accessible within the oncology information system.


Clinical Decision Support (CDS):

Software tools integrated into the OIS to assist healthcare providers in making informed decisions about patient care, incorporating evidence-based guidelines and data analysis.


Tumor Board:

Multidisciplinary meetings where oncologists, radiologists, pathologists, and other specialists collaborate to discuss complex cancer cases and develop comprehensive treatment plans.


Pathology Integration:

The seamless incorporation of pathology reports, including biopsy results and molecular diagnostics, into the OIS for a comprehensive understanding of the cancer’s characteristics.

Radiation Oncology Management:

Modules within the OIS dedicated to planning, scheduling, and documenting radiation therapy treatments, ensuring precision and patient safety.


Chemotherapy Management:

Tools and functionalities in the OIS for prescribing, tracking, and managing chemotherapy regimens, with alerts for potential drug interactions and dosage adjustments.


Cancer Registry:

A database within the OIS containing detailed information about cancer cases, used for research, quality improvement, and cancer surveillance purposes.


Image Archiving and Communication System (PACS):

Integration of radiological images, such as CT scans and MRIs, into the OIS, facilitating easy access, review, and comparison for treatment planning.


Genomic Data Integration:

The incorporation of genomic and molecular data into the OIS, allowing oncologists to tailor treatment plans based on the specific genetic makeup of a patient’s cancer.


Telemedicine Integration:

The incorporation of telemedicine capabilities within the OIS, enabling remote consultations, follow-up appointments, and collaborative care.


Clinical Trials Management:

Tools within the OIS to streamline the management of clinical trials, including patient enrollment, protocol adherence, and data collection