Net Patient Revenue (NPR)

The total revenue generated by a healthcare facility from patient services, minus deductions such as discounts, contractual adjustments, and charity care.


Gross Patient Revenue:

The total income generated by a healthcare facility from patient services before any deductions.


Contractual Adjustments:

Reductions in billed charges agreed upon in contracts with insurance providers, reflecting the difference between the billed amount and the negotiated rate.


Charity Care:

Uncompensated medical services provided to individuals who are unable to pay, typically due to financial hardship.


Bad Debt:

Amounts deemed uncollectible from patients who are unable or unwilling to pay their medical bills.


Revenue Cycle Management:

The process of managing the financial aspects of patient care, including billing, payments, and revenue generation.


Charge Description Master (CDM):

A comprehensive list of the billable services, procedures, and supplies provided by a healthcare facility, each associated with a specific charge.


Payer Mix:

The distribution of patients and their respective insurance providers, impacting the overall revenue composition of a healthcare facility.


Discounts and Allowances:

Reductions in the standard charges offered to patients or insurance providers, often as part of negotiated agreements.


Accounts Receivable:

The total amount of money owed to a healthcare facility for services rendered but not yet collected.