Neighborhood Health Center

A community-based healthcare facility that provides comprehensive and accessible primary care services to individuals and families within a specific neighborhood or community.


Primary Care:

Essential healthcare services focused on preventive care, health promotion, and the management of common illnesses, usually provided by a team of healthcare professionals in neighborhood health centers.


Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH):

A care delivery model that emphasizes coordinated and patient-centered primary care, often adopted by neighborhood health centers to enhance the quality and efficiency of healthcare services.


Community Health Worker (CHW):

A trained and culturally competent professional who works within the community to connect residents with healthcare services, resources, and support available at neighborhood health centers.


Preventive Care:

Healthcare services and interventions aimed at preventing illness, detecting health conditions early, and promoting overall well-being, a key focus of neighborhood health centers.


Culturally Competent Care:

Healthcare services that respect and consider the cultural backgrounds, beliefs, and preferences of individuals, ensuring that care is inclusive and tailored to diverse communities served by neighborhood health centers.


Integrated Care:

The coordination of physical health, mental health, and social services within neighborhood health centers to provide holistic and seamless care for patients.


Sliding Fee Scale:

A payment structure used by neighborhood health centers, where fees for healthcare services are adjusted based on the patient’s income and ability to pay, ensuring affordability and accessibility.


Telehealth Services:

The use of technology, such as video conferencing and virtual consultations, to deliver healthcare services remotely, enhancing accessibility for patients of neighborhood health centers.


Patient Advocacy:

Support and representation provided by neighborhood health center staff to help patients navigate the healthcare system, access resources, and advocate for their healthcare needs.