Medical Research Center (MRC)

A specialized institution dedicated to conducting scientific investigations into medical and healthcare-related topics. MRCs typically house laboratories, employ researchers, and collaborate with healthcare providers to advance medical knowledge and improve patient care.


Clinical Trials

Rigorous studies conducted to evaluate the safety and efficacy of new medical treatments, interventions, or procedures in humans. Clinical trials are crucial for determining whether a new approach is effective and safe for widespread use.


Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT)

A type of clinical trial where participants are randomly assigned to receive either the treatment being tested or a control group. RCTs are considered the gold standard for assessing the effectiveness of medical interventions while minimizing bias.


Double-Blind Study

A research design where both the participants and the investigators are unaware of who is receiving the treatment and who is receiving the placebo or standard treatment. Double-blind studies help eliminate bias and ensure the validity of the study results.



A statistical technique that combines data from multiple independent studies to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the effectiveness of a particular treatment or intervention. Meta-analyses can uncover trends and associations that may not be apparent in individual studies.



A repository that stores biological samples, such as blood, tissue, or DNA, collected from individuals for use in medical research. Biobanks provide researchers with valuable resources for studying the genetic and environmental factors underlying various diseases.


Translational Research

The process of applying findings from basic science research to develop new medical treatments, diagnostics, or prevention strategies. Translational research bridges the gap between laboratory discoveries and clinical applications to improve patient outcomes.


Epidemiological Study

Investigations that examine the distribution and determinants of health and disease within populations. Epidemiological studies help identify risk factors, understand disease patterns, and guide public health interventions.


Genome Sequencing

The process of determining the precise order of nucleotides within an individual’s DNA. Genome sequencing can reveal genetic variations associated with disease susceptibility, drug response, and other medically relevant traits.


Health Outcomes Research

Research that evaluates the impact of healthcare interventions on patient outcomes, quality of life, and healthcare costs. Health outcomes research informs evidence-based decision-making and helps optimize healthcare delivery systems.