Infusion Pump

An infusion pump is a medical device used to deliver fluids, such as medications, nutrients, or fluids for hydration, into a patient’s body in a controlled manner. These devices are commonly used in hospitals, clinics, and home care settings.


Intravenous (IV) Infusion

The process of delivering fluids directly into a patient’s vein using an infusion pump. IV infusion is commonly used for administering medications, fluids, blood products, and nutrients.


Flow Rate

The rate at which fluid is delivered by an infusion pump, usually measured in milliliters per hour (mL/hr) or drops per minute (drops/min). The flow rate is set based on the patient’s needs and the prescribed medication or fluid.


Drip Chamber

A component of the infusion set that regulates the flow of fluid into the tubing, ensuring a consistent rate of infusion. The drip chamber allows healthcare providers to visually monitor the flow of fluid during infusion.


Alarm System

Infusion pumps are equipped with alarm systems to alert healthcare providers of potential issues, such as occlusions, air in the tubing, low battery, or end of infusion. These alarms help ensure patient safety and timely intervention.



A rapid administration of medication or fluid delivered through an infusion pump over a short period, typically to achieve a therapeutic effect more quickly. Bolus doses are often used in emergencies or for certain medications.



The process of setting up the infusion pump to deliver the prescribed medication or fluid at the appropriate rate and duration. Programming may include entering parameters such as flow rate, volume to be infused, and infusion mode.


PCA (Patient-Controlled Analgesia)

A specialized infusion pump system that allows patients to self-administer pain medication by pressing a button. PCA pumps are commonly used for managing pain in post-operative or chronic pain management settings.


Syringe Pump

A type of infusion pump designed to deliver medications or fluids from a syringe reservoir at a controlled rate. Syringe pumps are often used for administering small volumes of medications or in situations requiring precise delivery rates.



The process of verifying and adjusting the accuracy of an infusion pump to ensure that it delivers fluids at the intended rate. Regular calibration is essential to maintain the reliability and safety of infusion pumps.