Infant Incubator

An enclosed apparatus designed to provide a controlled environment for premature or ill infants, regulating temperature, humidity, and oxygen levels to mimic the womb’s conditions.



The branch of pediatrics that focuses on the medical care of newborn infants, especially those who are ill or premature.



A type of infant incubator that provides a warm, enclosed environment to maintain stable temperature and protect newborns from external pathogens.



The process by which newborns maintain their body temperature within a normal range, often supported by infant incubators to prevent hypothermia or hyperthermia.


Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)

A common condition in premature infants characterized by difficulty breathing due to underdeveloped lungs, often requiring treatment in an infant incubator with supplemental oxygen.


Kangaroo Care

A method of caring for premature infants involving skin-to-skin contact with a parent, which can be facilitated within certain types of infant incubators.


Photo Therapy

A treatment for jaundice in newborns, utilizing specialized lights within the incubator to break down excess bilirubin in the blood.


Humidity Control

Feature in infant incubators to regulate the level of moisture in the air, crucial for preventing dehydration and maintaining healthy skin in premature infants.


Alarm System

Built-in mechanism in infant incubators to alert medical staff of any fluctuations or abnormalities in temperature, oxygen levels, or other vital parameters.


Transport Incubator

A portable version of an infant incubator designed for safe transportation of premature or critically ill infants between medical facilities, ensuring continuous monitoring and support during transit.