Hospital Revenue

The total income generated by a hospital through its various services, including patient care, procedures, diagnostics, and other healthcare-related activities.


Patient Services Revenue

Income generated by providing medical services to patients, including hospital stays, surgeries, consultations, and treatments.


Insurance Reimbursements

Payments received from insurance companies for services rendered to patients covered under their policies. This includes reimbursements from government programs like Medicare and Medicaid.


Outpatient Revenue

Income generated from services provided to patients who are not admitted to the hospital, such as outpatient surgeries, diagnostic tests, and clinic visits.


Inpatient Revenue

Revenue generated from services provided to patients who are admitted to the hospital for treatment or care, including room charges, surgeries, medications, and nursing care.


Ancillary Services Revenue

Income generated from additional services provided to patients, such as laboratory tests, radiology services, physical therapy, and pharmacy services.


Charity Care

Services provided to patients who are unable to pay for their medical treatment, resulting in uncompensated care. This can impact hospital revenue but is often required by law for non-profit hospitals.


Bad Debt

Unpaid bills from patients who are unwilling or unable to pay for the services received, leading to a loss of revenue for the hospital.


Grants and Donations

Funding received from government grants, philanthropic donations, or fundraising efforts, which can contribute to the hospital’s revenue stream, particularly for research, community outreach, or specific programs.


Net Patient Revenue

The total revenue generated from patient care services after deducting discounts, contractual allowances, and charity care. This metric is a key indicator of a hospital’s financial performance and sustainability.