Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program (HRRP)

A Medicare value-based purchasing program implemented to reduce excessive hospital readmissions by penalizing hospitals with higher than expected readmission rates for certain conditions.


Readmission Rate

The percentage of patients who return to the hospital within a specified time period after being discharged, often measured within 30 days.


Risk Adjustment

The process of accounting for patient characteristics and clinical factors that may influence readmission rates, such as age, severity of illness, and comorbidities, to ensure fair comparisons among hospitals.



The financial consequence imposed on hospitals with higher than expected readmission rates, which may result in reduced Medicare reimbursements.


Value-Based Purchasing (VBP)

A healthcare payment model that ties financial incentives and penalties to the quality of care provided, including measures such as readmission rates.


Bundled Payment

A payment model where healthcare providers receive a single payment for all services related to a particular episode of care, including hospitalization and post-discharge care, incentivizing coordination and efficiency.


Transitional Care

Services and interventions provided to patients during the transition from hospital to home or other care settings, aimed at preventing complications and reducing the risk of readmission.


Care Coordination

The process of organizing and integrating healthcare services across multiple providers and settings to ensure seamless transitions and continuity of care, which can help reduce readmissions.


Patient Engagement

Involving patients in their own care by providing education, support, and resources to empower them to manage their health and adhere to treatment plans, potentially reducing the likelihood of readmissions.


Quality Improvement Initiatives

Systematic efforts to identify and implement strategies to improve the quality of care and patient outcomes, including reducing hospital readmissions, through data analysis, best practices dissemination, and performance feedback.