Global Location Number (GLN)

A unique identifier assigned to physical locations and legal entities involved in business transactions. GLNs are standardized by GS1, facilitating efficient supply chain management and data exchange across global healthcare networks.



A non-profit organization that develops and maintains global standards for business communication, including the GS1 system which encompasses GLNs. These standards ensure interoperability, traceability, and efficiency in various industries, including healthcare.


Location Identifier

A component of the GLN that specifies the physical location of a healthcare entity, such as hospitals, clinics, warehouses, or pharmacies. It aids in accurately identifying and tracking the movement of goods and services within the healthcare supply chain.


Legal Entity Identifier

Another component of the GLN that identifies the legal entity associated with a specific location, such as a healthcare organization, manufacturer, or distributor. It enables precise identification of parties involved in healthcare transactions.


Supply Chain Traceability

The ability to track and trace products, assets, and information throughout the healthcare supply chain using GLNs. This enhances transparency, accountability, and patient safety by ensuring the authenticity and integrity of healthcare products.


Inventory Management

The use of GLNs in healthcare facilitates efficient inventory management practices by enabling real-time visibility into the movement and status of medical supplies, pharmaceuticals, and equipment across different locations.


Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

GLNs are utilized in EDI systems to electronically exchange business documents, such as purchase orders, invoices, and shipping notices, between healthcare partners. This streamlines communication and reduces manual errors and processing time.


Patient Identification

GLNs can be used to accurately identify healthcare facilities and providers involved in patient care, ensuring seamless coordination and continuity of services across different healthcare settings.


Regulatory Compliance

Healthcare organizations utilize GLNs to comply with regulatory requirements related to product labeling, tracking, and reporting. Standardized identification codes help ensure compliance with government regulations and industry standards.



GLNs promote interoperability among healthcare stakeholders by providing a common language for identifying and exchanging data. This interoperability supports integrated care delivery, interoperable health information exchange, and collaborative healthcare initiatives.