
Gerontology is the study of aging and the social, psychological, and biological aspects of the aging process.



Ageism refers to discrimination or prejudice against individuals based on their age, particularly older adults. It can manifest in various forms, including stereotypes and assumptions about capabilities or limitations due to age.


Geriatric Medicine

Geriatric medicine is a specialized branch of medicine focused on the healthcare needs of older adults, including the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of age-related diseases and conditions.



Polypharmacy refers to the use of multiple medications by an individual, particularly older adults, often resulting in complex medication regimens that may increase the risk of adverse drug interactions or side effects.


Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)

ADLs are routine activities necessary for independent living, such as bathing, dressing, eating, toileting, and mobility. Assessing ADLs helps healthcare providers evaluate an individual’s functional status and determine their level of independence.


Cognitive Decline

Cognitive decline refers to a gradual deterioration in cognitive abilities, including memory, attention, and reasoning, commonly associated with aging. It can range from mild cognitive impairment to more severe conditions such as dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.



Frailty is a state of increased vulnerability to stressors due to age-related declines in physiological reserves and functional capacity. Frail individuals are at higher risk of adverse health outcomes, including falls, disability, and mortality.


Palliative Care

Palliative care focuses on providing relief from the symptoms and stress of serious illness, to improve quality of life for both patients and their families. It is particularly important in managing the complex needs of older adults with chronic or life-limiting conditions.


End-of-Life Care

End-of-life care encompasses medical, emotional, and spiritual support provided to individuals nearing the end of their lives. It emphasizes comfort, dignity, and respect for the individual’s wishes, including preferences for life-sustaining treatments and advance care planning.



Gerontechnology refers to the use of technology to address the needs and challenges of aging populations, including assistive devices, telehealth services, and smart home technologies designed to enhance independence, safety, and quality of life for older adults.