External Experts

Professionals outside of an organization who provide specialized knowledge, advice, or guidance on specific healthcare topics or issues.


Advisory Board

A group of external experts assembled by healthcare organizations to provide strategic guidance, insights, and recommendations on various aspects of healthcare policies, practices, and innovations.


KOL (Key Opinion Leader)

An influential figure within the healthcare industry, often an external expert, whose opinions and recommendations are highly regarded and can impact decision-making processes.



An external expert hired by healthcare organizations to provide expert advice, solutions, and support in areas such as strategy, operations, or clinical practice improvement.


Clinical Expert

A healthcare professional with advanced expertise in a specific clinical field, often consulted by healthcare organizations for guidance on complex medical cases, treatment protocols, or research initiatives.


Regulatory Consultant

External experts specialized in navigating regulatory frameworks and ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations, providing valuable insights and assistance to healthcare organizations.


Health Economist

External experts who analyze healthcare systems and policies from an economic perspective, providing insights into cost-effectiveness, resource allocation, and healthcare financing strategies.


Technology Advisor

External experts knowledgeable in healthcare technologies, such as digital health solutions or medical devices, offering guidance on implementation, adoption, and optimization within healthcare settings.


Ethics Committee Member

External experts serving on ethics committees to guide ethical considerations and dilemmas in healthcare, ensuring that decisions align with moral principles and professional standards.


Patient Advocate

External experts representing the patient perspective, advocating for patient rights, needs, and preferences within healthcare organizations, policymaking processes, and research initiatives.