Episode of Care (EOC)

A defined period during which a patient receives healthcare services for a particular condition or set of related conditions, typically spanning from the initial diagnosis or treatment initiation to recovery or completion of care.



The identification of a patient’s medical condition or illness, often marking the beginning of an episode of care.


Treatment Plan

A detailed outline of the interventions and procedures recommended or prescribed for a patient’s condition within the episode of care.


Care Coordination

The organization and management of healthcare services across multiple providers and settings to ensure seamless delivery of care throughout the episode.


Multidisciplinary Team

A group of healthcare professionals from various specialties who collaborate to provide comprehensive care tailored to the patient’s needs during the episode of care.


Outcomes Measurement

The assessment of the effectiveness and impact of healthcare interventions on patient health and well-being, often used to evaluate the success of an episode of care.


Patient Education

The provision of information and resources to empower patients to participate actively in their care and make informed decisions throughout the episode.


Follow-up Care 

Ongoing monitoring and support provided to patients after the initial treatment phase to ensure continuity of care and address any lingering issues or complications.


Transitional Care 

Services aimed at facilitating the smooth transition of patients between different healthcare settings or levels of care within the episode, such as from hospital to home or from primary to specialty care.


Episode Costing

The analysis of the financial resources expended on delivering healthcare services within a specific episode of care, including direct medical costs and indirect expenses associated with patient management.