
Electronic consent, or eConsent, refers to the process of obtaining and managing informed consent from patients or research participants using digital platforms or technology, such as mobile applications or web-based interfaces. It involves presenting relevant information about a healthcare procedure, treatment, or research study to individuals electronically, allowing them to understand the risks, benefits, and alternatives before providing their consent electronically.


Informed Consent

Informed consent is the process by which individuals are fully informed about the potential risks, benefits, and alternatives of a healthcare intervention or research study before agreeing to participate or undergo treatment. eConsent enhances this process by delivering information digitally and facilitating comprehension through interactive features.


HIPAA Compliance 

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliance refers to adherence to the regulations established to protect the privacy and security of patients’ health information. In the context of eConsent, ensuring HIPAA compliance involves implementing secure electronic systems to collect, store, and transmit sensitive patient data while maintaining confidentiality.


Interactive Multimedia

Interactive multimedia within eConsent platforms incorporates various forms of media, such as videos, animations, graphics, and quizzes, to enhance comprehension and engagement. These interactive elements help individuals better understand complex medical concepts and make informed decisions about their healthcare.


Electronic Signature

An electronic signature is a digital representation of an individual’s consent, typically in the form of a typed name, a scanned image of a handwritten signature, or a secure authentication method. eConsent platforms often utilize electronic signatures to formalize the consent process, ensuring legal validity and accountability.


Remote Consent

Remote consent allows individuals to provide their consent for healthcare procedures or research studies without being physically present at a healthcare facility or research site. eConsent enables remote consent by offering secure digital channels for communication and documentation, expanding access to healthcare services and research participation.


Real-Time Feedback

eConsent platforms may incorporate features for gathering real-time feedback from individuals undergoing the consent process. This feedback mechanism allows healthcare providers or researchers to assess comprehension, address concerns promptly, and tailor information delivery to improve the overall consent experience.


Consent Documentation

Consent documentation refers to the record of an individual’s informed consent, including the information provided, the individual’s understanding, and their agreement to participate or undergo treatment. eConsent systems generate digital records of consent documentation, which are securely stored and can be easily accessed for regulatory compliance and audit purposes.


Multilingual Support

Multilingual support in eConsent platforms enables the delivery of consent materials in multiple languages to accommodate diverse patient populations. By offering information in individuals’ preferred languages, eConsent promotes inclusivity and ensures that all participants can fully understand and engage in the consent process.


Audit Trail

An audit trail is a chronological record of activities and interactions within an eConsent system, documenting each step of the consent process, including when information was presented, reviewed, and consent was obtained. Audit trails enhance transparency, accountability, and regulatory compliance by providing a comprehensive history of consent-related actions.