Do Not Resuscitate (DNR)

A medical order indicating that a patient does not wish to receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if their heart stops beating or if they stop breathing.


Advance Directive

Legal documents that allow individuals to specify their healthcare preferences in advance, including decisions regarding resuscitation.


Full Code

Opposite of DNR, indicating that all possible measures, including CPR, should be taken to revive a patient in case of cardiac or respiratory arrest.


Living Will

A type of advance directive that outlines a person’s preferences for medical treatment, including resuscitation, in case they become incapacitated.


Power of Attorney for Healthcare

A legal document that designates someone to make medical decisions on behalf of an individual if they are unable to do so themselves, including decisions about resuscitation.


Comfort Care

Medical care focused on providing relief from pain and other symptoms, rather than attempting to cure the underlying condition. Often preferred by patients with DNR orders.


Resuscitation Status

The medical order or directive indicating whether a patient should receive resuscitative measures such as CPR.


Quality of Life

A subjective measure of well-being and satisfaction with one’s circumstances, often considered by patients when making decisions about resuscitation preferences.


Medical Futility

A situation where medical interventions, including resuscitation efforts, are unlikely to achieve the desired outcome, leading to questions about the appropriateness of continuing such measures.


Family Conference 

A meeting involving healthcare providers, the patient, and their family members to discuss the patient’s condition, treatment options, and resuscitation preferences, facilitating shared decision-making.