Ancillary Services

Ancillary services refer to a set of critical support functions and facilities that ensure the smooth and reliable operation of power systems. These services go beyond the basic generation and transmission of electricity and play a crucial role in maintaining grid stability and reliability.


Frequency Regulation

This ancillary service involves fine-tuning the frequency of the electrical grid to match the demand for electricity. It helps balance the supply and demand in real-time, preventing fluctuations that can lead to disruptions or damage to connected devices.


Voltage Control

Voltage control is the management of electrical voltage levels within specified limits. Ancillary services for voltage control ensure that voltage remains stable, preventing overvoltage or undervoltage conditions that could harm electronic equipment or disrupt power distribution.


Reactive Power Support

Reactive power is essential for maintaining voltage levels in the power grid. Ancillary services related to reactive power support involve the provision of reactive power to counteract inductive or capacitive effects and ensure a stable and efficient power flow.


Black Start Capability

Black start capability refers to the ability of power plants or systems to restart and re-energize without an external power supply after a complete blackout. Ancillary services for black start ensure the rapid restoration of power in the aftermath of a major disruption.


Spinning Reserve

Spinning reserve is the extra generating capacity that can be brought online quickly in response to sudden increases in demand or unexpected generator outages. Ancillary services for spinning reserve help maintain a balance between supply and demand in real-time.


Demand Response

Ancillary services may include demand response programs where consumers adjust their electricity usage in response to signals or incentives, helping to manage peak demand and improve overall grid reliability.


Load Following

Load following ancillary services involve making real-time adjustments to power generation to match the varying electricity demand throughout the day. This ensures a continuous balance between supply and consumption.


Energy Storage

The use of energy storage systems, such as batteries, as ancillary services is becoming increasingly important. These systems store excess energy during periods of low demand and release it during peak times, enhancing grid stability and efficiency.


Interconnected Grids

Ancillary services are crucial in interconnected power grids, facilitating the seamless exchange of power between different regions. This interconnectivity enhances overall reliability and resilience.