American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC)

The ANCC is a prestigious organization dedicated to advancing nursing excellence and promoting high standards in healthcare. It is a subsidiary of the American Nurses Association (ANA) and plays a crucial role in credentialing nurses across various specialties.



The process of verifying and recognizing the qualifications, competencies, and professional achievements of nurses. ANCC offers certification programs that validate a nurse’s expertise, ensuring they meet rigorous standards in their respective fields.



ANCC provides certification programs that recognize nurses who have demonstrated specialized knowledge and skills in areas such as pediatrics, oncology, or informatics. Achieving certification signifies a commitment to excellence and ongoing professional development.


Magnet Recognition Program

ANCC administers the Magnet Recognition Program, which recognizes healthcare organizations for nursing excellence. Achieving Magnet status is a prestigious accomplishment that reflects a commitment to high-quality patient care, nursing leadership, and a positive work environment.


Continuing Education

ANCC encourages and supports ongoing learning through various continuing education opportunities. Nurses can engage in programs and activities to stay current with the latest advancements in healthcare and maintain their certifications.


Professional Development

ANCC emphasizes the importance of continuous professional development for nurses. This includes acquiring new skills, staying updated on best practices, and participating in activities that enhance both clinical and leadership abilities.


ANA Standards

The ANCC aligns with the American Nurses Association’s (ANA) standards, ensuring that certified nurses adhere to the highest ethical and professional standards in their practice. This helps maintain the integrity of the nursing profession.


Portfolio Review

Some ANCC certifications involve a portfolio review process, where nurses submit evidence of their professional achievements, competencies, and experiences to demonstrate eligibility for certification.


Leadership and Advocacy

ANCC actively promotes leadership and advocacy within the nursing community. It encourages nurses to take on leadership roles, contribute to policy development, and advocate for the nursing profession at local, national, and international levels.


Nursing Informatics

ANCC offers certification in nursing informatics, recognizing nurses who specialize in integrating technology and information management into healthcare. This certification is crucial in today’s digital healthcare landscape.