American Heart Association (AHA)

A non-profit organization committed to the fight against cardiovascular diseases and strokes. Founded in 1924, the AHA strives to promote heart health through research, education, and advocacy.


Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)

A broad term encompassing conditions that affect the heart and blood vessels. These include coronary artery disease, heart failure, and hypertension.


Heart-Healthy Lifestyle

A set of habits and choices aimed at reducing the risk of heart disease. This includes maintaining a balanced diet, regular physical activity, avoiding tobacco, and managing stress.


Go Red for Women

A campaign initiated by the AHA to raise awareness about cardiovascular diseases in women. The movement encourages women to prioritize their heart health and advocates for gender-specific research.


CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)

A life-saving technique used in emergencies to maintain blood flow and oxygenation when the heart or breathing has stopped. The AHA provides guidelines and training in CPR techniques.


AED (Automated External Defibrillator)

A portable device that can deliver an electric shock to the heart during sudden cardiac arrest. The AHA promotes widespread awareness and accessibility of AEDs to improve survival rates.


My Plate

A visual representation of a balanced meal, endorsed by the AHA, illustrating the ideal proportions of fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy for a heart-healthy diet.


Life’s Simple 7

A set of health metrics identified by the AHA to assess and improve cardiovascular health. These include managing blood pressure, controlling cholesterol, maintaining a healthy diet, staying physically active, managing blood sugar, achieving a healthy weight, and avoiding tobacco.


Heart Walk

An AHA event that promotes physical activity and heart-healthy living. The Heart Walk raises funds to support research and education programs aimed at preventing heart disease and stroke.



A medical emergency that occurs when blood flow to the brain is interrupted, leading to damage of brain cells. The AHA emphasizes the importance of recognizing stroke symptoms and seeking immediate medical attention.


Research Grants

Funding provided by the AHA to support scientific research aimed at understanding, preventing, and treating cardiovascular diseases and strokes.



The AHA’s efforts to influence policies and practices that impact heart health, such as advocating for heart-healthy school environments, tobacco control, and access to quality healthcare.