The systematic evaluation of how human factors, including cognitive, social, and organizational aspects, interact with technology, tasks, and the environment within healthcare settings to influence performance, safety, and quality of care.
The mental effort required to process information and perform tasks, which can affect decision-making and performance in healthcare settings.
The perception and comprehension of relevant elements in the environment, their meaning, and the projection of their status in the near future, critical for effective decision-making and task performance in healthcare.
Examination of the sequence and structure of tasks and activities within healthcare processes to identify inefficiencies, safety hazards, and opportunities for improvement.
Training methodology that replicates real-life healthcare scenarios to provide hands-on experience and enhance skills in a safe environment, promoting better preparedness and performance.
Evaluation of the ease of use, learnability, and efficiency of healthcare systems, devices, and interfaces by observing users performing tasks and gathering feedback to inform design improvements.
The collaborative interaction and exchange of information among healthcare team members, essential for patient safety, error prevention, and effective care delivery.
Systematic collection, analysis, and learning from errors, incidents, and near-misses in healthcare to identify root causes, patterns, and opportunities for system improvements.
Design and arrangement of healthcare work environments, equipment, and tasks to optimize human performance, comfort, and safety, reducing the risk of musculoskeletal injuries and errors.
Strategies and policies aimed at mitigating the impact of fatigue on healthcare professionals’ performance and patient safety, including scheduling practices, rest breaks, and education on sleep hygiene.