Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)

A comprehensive document that outlines procedures and protocols to be followed in the event of an emergency or disaster. It defines roles, responsibilities, and strategies for response and recovery efforts.


Incident Command System (ICS)

A standardized management system designed to enable effective and efficient incident response by providing a hierarchical structure, clearly defined roles, and communication protocols.


Emergency Response Team: 

A group of individuals trained and designated to respond to emergencies outlined in the EOP. This team may include personnel from various departments or disciplines within an organization.


Critical Infrastructure

Essential systems and assets, such as power plants, hospitals, and communication networks, that are vital to the functioning of society and require special protection during emergencies.


Evacuation Procedures 

Protocols established in the EOP for safely and efficiently relocating individuals from an area of danger to a place of safety during an emergency situation.



Instructions provided in the EOP for individuals to remain indoors and take immediate shelter during certain emergencies, such as chemical spills or active shooter incidents, when evacuation may be more hazardous.


Resource Management

Strategies outlined in the EOP for efficiently allocating and deploying personnel, equipment, and supplies during emergency response and recovery efforts.


Communications Plan

A component of the EOP that establishes protocols for internal and external communication during emergencies, including methods for disseminating information to stakeholders, media, and the public.


Continuity of Operations (COOP)

Plans and procedures outlined in the EOP to ensure the continued delivery of essential services and functions during and after an emergency, minimizing disruption to operations.


Training and Exercise Program

A structured approach detailed in the EOP for regularly training personnel and conducting exercises to test the effectiveness of response plans, identify areas for improvement, and enhance overall preparedness.