Diabetes Education Centers (DECs)

Specialized facilities or clinics dedicated to providing comprehensive education and support for individuals living with diabetes. DECs offer a range of services, including diabetes management classes, nutritional counseling, lifestyle interventions, and support groups.


Glycemic Control

Refers to the management of blood glucose levels within a target range to minimize the risk of diabetes-related complications. DECs often focus on educating individuals on techniques to achieve and maintain optimal glycemic control.


Insulin Therapy

Treatment involving the use of insulin to regulate blood sugar levels in individuals with diabetes. DECs provide education on different types of insulin, injection techniques, dosage adjustments, and monitoring protocols.


Carbohydrate Counting

A method used by individuals with diabetes to manage their blood sugar levels by tracking the amount of carbohydrates consumed. DECs teach carbohydrate counting techniques to help individuals make informed dietary choices and manage insulin doses effectively.


Foot Care

Education on proper foot care practices is essential for individuals with diabetes to prevent complications such as neuropathy and foot ulcers. DECs offer guidance on foot inspection, hygiene, footwear selection, and strategies to prevent injuries.


Physical Activity

Regular exercise plays a crucial role in managing diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity and controlling weight. DECs provide recommendations on suitable physical activities, exercise routines, and precautions for individuals with diabetes.


Blood Glucose Monitoring

Regular monitoring of blood glucose levels is essential for diabetes management. DECs educate individuals on the importance of monitoring, interpretation of results, and appropriate actions based on blood glucose levels.


Medication Management

Education on the proper use of medications prescribed for diabetes management, including oral medications and injectable therapies like insulin. DECs ensure individuals understand medication regimens, potential side effects, and adherence strategies.


Psychosocial Support

Living with diabetes can have a significant impact on emotional well-being. DECs offer psychosocial support through counseling, support groups, and resources to help individuals cope with the challenges associated with diabetes.


Self-Care Management

Empowering individuals with diabetes to take control of their health through self-care practices such as healthy eating, physical activity, medication adherence, stress management, and problem-solving skills. DECs equip individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary for effective self-management of diabetes.