A collaborative alliance of healthcare providers, including hospitals, physicians, specialists, and other healthcare professionals, who work together to improve patient care quality, efficiency, and outcomes through coordinated efforts and shared resources.
A healthcare delivery model that emphasizes achieving better health outcomes for patients while controlling costs. CINs often adopt value-based care approaches to incentivize providers based on patient outcomes rather than the volume of services provided.
The deliberate organization of patient care activities between two or more participants (including patients themselves) involved in a patient’s care to facilitate the appropriate delivery of healthcare services. CINs focus on seamless care coordination to ensure that patients receive comprehensive and continuous care across different healthcare settings.
The proactive management of the health of a defined population to improve outcomes and control costs. CINs engage in population health management strategies, such as preventive care initiatives and chronic disease management programs, to enhance the overall health of their patient populations.
The process of analyzing large volumes of healthcare data to uncover insights, trends, and patterns that can inform decision-making and improve patient care. CINs leverage data analytics tools and techniques to identify opportunities for quality improvement, cost reduction, and better care coordination.
Standardized, evidence-based protocols that outline the recommended steps for the diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up care of patients with specific medical conditions or undergoing particular procedures. CINs develop and implement clinical pathways to promote consistency and efficiency in care delivery across their network.
The process of aligning the interests, goals, and incentives of healthcare providers within a network to foster collaboration and teamwork. CINs prioritize provider alignment to ensure that all members are working towards common objectives, such as improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs.
Objective measures used to assess the quality of healthcare services provided by a CIN. These metrics may include clinical outcome measures, patient satisfaction scores, adherence to clinical guidelines, and utilization rates. CINs track and monitor quality metrics to evaluate their performance and identify areas for improvement.
Financial incentives provided to members of a CIN based on their collective efforts to improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs. CINs may distribute shared savings among participating providers as a reward for achieving performance targets and meeting quality goals.
The seamless progression of healthcare services across different levels of care, from preventive and primary care to acute and post-acute care settings. CINs focus on promoting a continuum of care to ensure that patients receive timely and appropriate services throughout their healthcare journey, ultimately leading to better outcomes and experiences.