A structured, multidisciplinary management plan outlining the essential steps in the care of patients with a particular health condition or undergoing a specific medical procedure. It serves as a roadmap, guiding healthcare providers through the patient’s journey from diagnosis to recovery or discharge.
The cooperation and communication among healthcare professionals from various disciplines involved in the care of a patient along the clinical pathway. It ensures comprehensive and holistic care delivery, incorporating expertise from different specialties to optimize patient outcomes.
The process of establishing uniform protocols, procedures, and evidence-based guidelines within clinical pathways to promote consistency and quality in patient treatment. Standardization reduces variability in care delivery, leading to improved efficiency and outcomes.
The integration of the best available research evidence, clinical expertise, and patient preferences in decision-making throughout the clinical pathway. It ensures that interventions and treatments are supported by scientific evidence, leading to safer and more effective patient care.
An approach to healthcare that prioritizes the individual needs, preferences, and values of patients throughout the clinical pathway. It involves active engagement, shared decision-making, and respect for patient autonomy, aiming to enhance satisfaction and adherence to treatment plans.
The process of organizing and integrating healthcare services across different settings, providers, and disciplines to ensure seamless transitions and continuity of care along the clinical pathway. Effective coordination improves communication, reduces fragmentation, and prevents gaps in care delivery.
The systematic assessment and evaluation of patient outcomes at key milestones along the clinical pathway. Outcome measures may include clinical indicators, patient-reported outcomes, and quality-of-life assessments, providing valuable feedback for continuous improvement and optimization of care.
The efficient allocation and management of healthcare resources, including personnel, equipment, facilities, and finances, to support the delivery of care within the clinical pathway. Optimization of resource utilization minimizes waste, enhances sustainability, and ensures equitable access to services.
A systematic approach to identifying, analyzing, and implementing changes to enhance the quality and efficiency of care delivery within the clinical pathway. CQI involves ongoing monitoring, feedback, and adaptation based on data-driven insights and best practices.
A dedicated healthcare professional, such as a nurse or care coordinator, responsible for guiding patients and their families through the clinical pathway. The navigator serves as a point of contact, providing support, education, and assistance in navigating the complexities of the healthcare system.
Software tools or applications integrated into electronic health records (EHRs) to provide clinicians with real-time information, alerts, and recommendations based on clinical guidelines and best practices. CDSS assists healthcare providers in making informed decisions and adhering to evidence-based protocols within the clinical pathway.
The coordination of care during transitions between different healthcare settings, such as hospital to home or primary care to specialty care, to prevent complications, medication errors, and readmissions. Transitional care management aims to ensure continuity, safety, and effectiveness in the patient’s journey along the clinical pathway.