Capital Equipment

These are durable, long-term assets used by healthcare facilities to deliver patient care, diagnosis, treatment, or research. They typically have a high initial cost and are expected to last for a significant period.


MRI Machine

Short for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, this capital equipment uses powerful magnets and radio waves to generate detailed images of the body’s internal structures. It’s crucial for diagnosing a wide range of medical conditions, from brain tumors to musculoskeletal injuries.


CT Scanner

A Computed Tomography scanner combines X-rays with computer technology to create cross-sectional images of the body. It’s instrumental in diagnosing conditions such as cancer, heart disease, and internal injuries.


Ultrasound Machine

This equipment uses high-frequency sound waves to produce images of organs, tissues, and blood flow in real-time. It’s commonly used for monitoring pregnancy, diagnosing abdominal conditions, and guiding medical procedures.


X-ray Machine

X-ray technology generates images of the body’s internal structures by passing X-ray beams through tissues onto a detector. It’s indispensable for detecting fractures, evaluating joint conditions, and diagnosing certain diseases.


Surgical Robots

These advanced robotic systems assist surgeons in performing minimally invasive procedures with precision and accuracy. They offer enhanced dexterity and visualization, leading to quicker recovery times and fewer complications for patients.


Anesthesia Machines

These machines deliver precise amounts of medical gases and anesthetic agents to patients undergoing surgery or other medical procedures. They ensure patient comfort and safety throughout the anesthesia process.



Ventilators, or mechanical ventilators, assist patients in breathing when they are unable to do so adequately on their own. These life-saving machines deliver oxygen to the lungs and remove carbon dioxide from the body, supporting patients with respiratory failure or compromised lung function.


Infusion Pumps

These devices deliver fluids, medications, or nutrients directly into a patient’s bloodstream in controlled amounts. They are vital for administering intravenous therapies, chemotherapy drugs, and anesthesia during surgeries.



Defibrillators deliver an electric shock to the heart to restore normal heart rhythm in cases of cardiac arrest or life-threatening arrhythmias. They are found in hospitals, ambulances, and public places to provide immediate lifesaving intervention.


Patient Monitors

These monitors track vital signs such as heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and temperature during surgery, recovery, or critical care. They provide continuous feedback to healthcare providers, enabling timely interventions to maintain patient stability.


Laboratory Equipment

This category includes a wide range of capital equipment used for diagnostic testing and research purposes, such as centrifuges, microscopes, spectrophotometers, and chromatography systems.


Medical Lasers

These devices produce focused beams of light with specific wavelengths for various medical applications, including surgery, dermatology, ophthalmology, and aesthetic treatments.


Radiation Therapy Equipment

Capital equipment used in radiation oncology departments for treating cancer, including linear accelerators, brachytherapy systems, and simulation machines for treatment planning.


PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication Systems)

These systems allow healthcare providers to securely store, retrieve, and distribute medical images such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans electronically, facilitating efficient diagnosis and treatment planning.