Press Ganey Survey

A patient satisfaction survey widely used in healthcare to assess and measure the experiences and perceptions of patients with the care they receive from healthcare providers and facilities.


Patient Experience:

The overall encounter a patient has with the healthcare system, encompassing aspects such as communication, empathy, wait times, and the effectiveness of medical care.


Healthcare Quality Improvement:

Initiatives and processes aimed at enhancing the quality of healthcare services based on feedback and data collected from tools like Press Ganey Surveys.


Patient-Centered Care:

An approach to healthcare that prioritizes the needs and preferences of patients, ensuring they are active participants in their care decisions.


Provider Communication:

The effectiveness and clarity of communication between healthcare providers and patients, a key aspect assessed in Press Ganey Surveys.


Nursing Care:

The evaluation of the quality of care provided by nurses, including aspects like responsiveness, professionalism, and the overall nursing experience.


Wait Times:

The duration patients spend waiting for appointments, tests, or consultations, a crucial factor influencing patient satisfaction scores in Press Ganey Surveys.


Access to Care:

The ease with which patients can obtain healthcare services, including appointment scheduling, availability of urgent care, and accessibility of medical facilities.


Cleanliness and Comfort:

The assessment of the cleanliness and comfort of healthcare facilities, including waiting areas, patient rooms, and common spaces.


Pain Management:

The evaluation of how well healthcare providers address and manage patients’ pain, an important aspect of patient care and satisfaction.


Inpatient Experience:

The overall assessment of the quality of care received by patients during their stay in a hospital, covering aspects like room comfort, nursing care, and communication.


Outpatient Experience:

The evaluation of the patient’s experience during outpatient visits, including interactions with healthcare providers, wait times, and the efficiency of the visit.


Ambulatory Care:

Healthcare services provided in an outpatient setting, including clinics, urgent care centers, and other non-hospital facilities, assessed in the context of Press Ganey Surveys.


Survey Response Rate:

The percentage of patients who respond to the Press Ganey Survey, influencing the reliability and representativeness of the collected data.



The comparison of an organization’s Press Ganey Survey scores with industry or national averages to identify areas for improvement and best practices.


Leadership Engagement:

The involvement and commitment of healthcare leadership in addressing issues highlighted by Press Ganey Survey results and driving improvements in patient care.


Customized Reporting:

Tailored reports generated by Press Ganey based on the specific needs and priorities of healthcare organizations, providing actionable insights for quality improvement.


Employee Engagement:

The involvement and satisfaction of healthcare staff, including nurses and support personnel, as it relates to their roles in delivering patient care.