Patient (Px)

An individual under medical care or treatment, seeking or receiving services from healthcare professionals to maintain, improve, or restore health.

Patient-Centered Care:

An approach that prioritizes the unique needs, preferences, and values of the patient, ensuring their active involvement in decision-making and care planning.


Patient Engagement:

The active participation of patients in their healthcare, involving communication, shared decision-making, and collaboration with healthcare providers.


Patient Empowerment:

The process of providing patients with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to actively participate in managing their health and making informed decisions.


Patient Advocate:

An individual or entity that supports and represents the rights and interests of patients, ensuring their voice is heard in healthcare decisions.


Patient Education:

The provision of information and resources to patients to enhance their understanding of health conditions, treatment options, and self-care practices.

Patient Portal:

An online platform that allows patients to access their health records, communicate with healthcare providers, and engage in aspects of their care remotely.


Patient Satisfaction:

The overall contentment and fulfillment expressed by patients regarding their experiences with healthcare services, facilities, and providers.


Patient Experience:

The sum of all interactions and touchpoints a patient has with the healthcare system, influencing their perceptions of care quality.


Patient Journey:

The complete experience of a patient navigating through the healthcare system, encompassing various touchpoints from initial contact to ongoing care.


Patient Rights:

The fundamental entitlements and ethical principles that ensure fair and respectful treatment of patients within the healthcare system.


Patient Safety:

The prevention of harm to patients during the provision of healthcare services, involving measures to reduce errors, infections, and adverse events.


Patient Confidentiality:

The ethical duty of healthcare providers to protect the privacy and confidentiality of patient information, ensuring trust in the patient-provider relationship.


Patient-Family-Centered Care:

An approach that recognizes the importance of involving and supporting the patient’s family in the care process, acknowledging their role in patient well-being.