Open Payments Data

A public database created by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in the United States, disclosing financial relationships between healthcare providers, pharmaceutical companies, and device manufacturers.


Sunshine Act:

A provision of the Affordable Care Act requiring transparency in financial relationships within the healthcare industry, leading to the creation of the Open Payments Data program.


Healthcare Provider:

Individuals or entities involved in delivering healthcare services, including physicians, dentists, hospitals, and other healthcare professionals.


Covered Recipient:

Healthcare providers who are eligible to receive payments or transfers of value, including direct payments, gifts, travel reimbursements, and more.


Applicable Manufacturer:

Pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology firms, and medical device manufacturers that are required to report payments and transfers of value to covered recipients.


Teaching Hospital:

A hospital that has a medical residency program, eligible for reporting payments and transfers of value related to physician education and training.


Payments and Transfers of Value:

Financial transactions or items of value exchanged between applicable manufacturers and covered recipients, encompassing research funding, speaking fees, meals, and other forms of compensation.


Research Payment:

Funds provided by applicable manufacturers to healthcare providers for conducting clinical trials, studies, or research projects.


Physician Ownership:

The disclosure of any financial interests or ownership stakes physicians may have in applicable manufacturers or group purchasing organizations.


Nature of Payment:

Categorization of payments and transfers of value based on their purpose, such as consulting fees, royalty payments, honoraria, or charitable contributions.


Aggregate Spend:

The total amount of payments and transfers of value made by applicable manufacturers to covered recipients, providing an overview of financial relationships.


De-identified Data:

Information within the Open Payments Data set that has been stripped of personally identifiable details to protect the privacy of individuals.