
The use of telecommunication technologies to remotely perform diagnostic procedures and interpret medical data. Telediagnostics enables healthcare professionals to assess patients’ health conditions without physical presence


Telemedical Imaging:

The application of telemedicine for capturing and transmitting medical images, such as X-rays, MRIs, or CT scans, for remote interpretation and diagnosis by radiologists or specialists.


Remote Diagnostic Testing:

Diagnostic tests conducted at a distance, with patients collecting samples or using diagnostic devices at home. Results are transmitted electronically to healthcare professionals for interpretation and analysis.


Digital Pathology:

A branch of telediagnostics involving the digitization of pathology slides. Pathologists can remotely view, analyze, and interpret tissue samples, aiding in accurate diagnoses and consultations.



The use of telemedicine for conducting ultrasound examinations remotely. It involves transmitting real-time ultrasound images to specialists for interpretation and diagnosis.


E-Health Monitoring Devices:

Wearable or portable devices that collect real-time health data, such as heart rate, blood pressure, or glucose levels. Telediagnostics utilizes these devices to remotely monitor patients and identify potential health issues.



Telemedicine applications in cardiology, allowing healthcare providers to remotely monitor and diagnose heart-related conditions using electronic communication and digital data.



The practice of pathology at a distance, where pathologists analyze and interpret pathology slides, cytology samples, or other specimens remotely, often through digital imaging.



The use of telemedicine for dermatological consultations, enabling remote assessment and diagnosis of skin conditions through the exchange of images and patient information.


Remote Electrocardiogram (ECG) Monitoring:

Continuous monitoring of a patient’s cardiac activity through remote transmission of ECG data. This allows healthcare professionals to diagnose and address cardiac issues in real time.