
The umbrella term encompassing a wide range of healthcare services delivered remotely, using telecommunications technologies. It includes virtual consultations, remote monitoring, and other digital tools to provide care at a distance.



A subset of telehealth that specifically involves the use of technology for medical consultations, diagnosis, and treatment at a distance. Telemedicine encompasses various communication channels, including video calls and secure messaging.


Virtual Visit:

A healthcare consultation conducted remotely through video calls, allowing patients to interact with healthcare providers in real time without the need for an in-person visit.


Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM):

The use of technology to collect and transmit patient data from a distance. RPM enables continuous monitoring of vital signs and health parameters, providing timely insights into patients’ well-being.



The process of receiving medical advice or diagnosis from a healthcare professional through virtual communication channels, such as video calls, phone calls, or secure messaging.


Digital Health Platform:

Online platforms or applications that facilitate various telehealth services, including virtual consultations, appointment scheduling, and access to health records. These platforms aim to enhance the overall patient experience.



The provision of pharmacy services remotely, allowing patients to consult with pharmacists, receive medication counseling, and manage their prescriptions through telecommunication technologies.


Mobile Health (mHealth):

The use of mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, to support healthcare services. mHealth includes applications for virtual consultations, health monitoring, and medication management.



An electronic visit where patients communicate with healthcare providers through secure online platforms, messaging, or email. E-visits offer a convenient way to address non-urgent health concerns.



The remote assessment and prioritization of patients’ health concerns to determine the appropriate level of care. Teletriage often involves the use of telecommunication tools for initial screening.