VA Hospital

A medical facility operated by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) that provides healthcare services exclusively to eligible military veterans.



An individual who has served in the military, often eligible for healthcare services and benefits at VA Hospitals.


Healthcare Eligibility:

The criteria and requirements that determine whether a veteran is eligible to receive medical care at a VA Hospital, often based on factors such as service-connected disabilities, income, and military service history.


Service-Connected Disability:

A medical condition or disability that is directly related to a veteran’s military service, often impacting eligibility for specific healthcare services and compensation.


Primary Care Physician (PCP):

A healthcare provider at a VA Hospital who serves as the main point of contact for a veteran’s general healthcare needs, coordinating and managing their overall care.


Specialty Care:

Healthcare services provided by specialists, such as cardiologists, orthopedists, or mental health professionals, offered at VA Hospitals to address specific medical conditions.


Telehealth Services:

The use of technology, such as video calls or remote monitoring, to provide healthcare services to veterans, enhancing accessibility and convenience.


VA Community Care Program:

A program that allows eligible veterans to receive healthcare services from non-VA healthcare providers when VA facilities may be inaccessible or when specific services are not available within the VA system.


Military Sexual Trauma (MST) Counseling:

Specialized counseling services provided at VA Hospitals to veterans who have experienced sexual trauma during their military service.


Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center:

Specialized facilities within VA Hospitals that provide comprehensive rehabilitation services for veterans with multiple traumatic injuries or conditions.