Virtual Primary Care

A model of healthcare delivery that leverages digital technology to provide comprehensive primary care services remotely, connecting patients with healthcare providers through virtual platforms.



The use of electronic communication and information technologies to provide healthcare services at a distance, including virtual primary care consultations.



A broader term encompassing the use of technology for healthcare delivery, including virtual consultations, remote monitoring, and other telehealth services.



A virtual meeting between a patient and a primary care provider for medical consultation and advice using video conferencing or other virtual communication tools.



An electronic visit where patients communicate with their primary care providers through secure messaging or online platforms to discuss non-urgent medical issues.


Digital Health Platform:

An integrated online system that supports virtual primary care services, offering features such as appointment scheduling, secure messaging, and access to health records.


Remote Monitoring:

The use of technology to collect and transmit patient health data from a distance, allowing healthcare providers to monitor and manage chronic conditions virtually.


Health App:

Mobile applications designed to support virtual primary care, enabling patients to schedule appointments, access health information, and communicate with healthcare providers.


Patient Portal:

A secure online platform that allows patients to access their health records, schedule appointments, and communicate with their primary care providers in a virtual setting.


Digital Prescription:

The electronic issuance of prescriptions by primary care providers through virtual platforms, enhancing convenience and efficiency for patients.