Vocational Rehabilitation

A process that helps individuals with disabilities prepare for, obtain, maintain, or regain employment, fostering independence and integration into the workforce.


Disability Counselor

A professional within the vocational rehabilitation system who assesses, counsels, and guides individuals with disabilities in their career development and employment goals.

Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE)

A personalized roadmap outlining the vocational rehabilitation services and goals for an individual with a disability, tailored to their unique needs and aspirations.


Assistive Technology

Devices, tools, or technologies designed to enhance the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities in the workplace, enabling greater independence and productivity.

Job Placement Services

Assistance provided by vocational rehabilitation agencies to help individuals with disabilities secure employment, including job search, resume building, and interview preparation.


Work Readiness Training

Programs and activities designed to enhance the skills and readiness of individuals with disabilities for the demands of the workplace, covering areas such as communication, time management, and interpersonal skills.


Transferable Skills Analysis

Evaluation of an individual’s existing skills that can be applied to different job opportunities, helping them explore diverse employment options.


Supported Employment

A vocational rehabilitation approach that involves providing ongoing support and accommodations for individuals with significant disabilities in integrated work settings.


Job Coaching

On-the-job assistance provided by a vocational rehabilitation professional to help individuals with disabilities learn and perform their job tasks effectively.


Work Incentives

Financial or non-financial benefits provided to individuals with disabilities to encourage and support their transition into the workforce without jeopardizing essential assistance programs.