Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)

A comprehensive, nationwide survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to collect crucial information on health-related behaviors, chronic health conditions, and preventive health practices among adults in the United States.



The proportion or percentage of a specific health-related behavior or condition within a given population, as determined through BRFSS data. It helps in understanding the extent of a particular issue within society.


Risk Factors

Conditions or behaviors that increase the likelihood of developing a health problem. BRFSS identifies and monitors various risk factors such as smoking, physical inactivity, poor nutrition, and excessive alcohol consumption.


Health Indicator

Measurable characteristics that provide insight into the overall health of a population. BRFSS monitors multiple health indicators, including obesity rates, immunization coverage, and the prevalence of chronic diseases.



Ongoing, systematic collection, analysis, interpretation, and dissemination of health data. BRFSS acts as a crucial surveillance tool, helping public health officials and researchers track health trends and design effective interventions.



A structured set of questions used in the BRFSS survey to gather information on various health-related topics. The questionnaire evolves over time to address emerging health concerns and trends.


Random Digit Dialing (RDD)

A method used in BRFSS to select a representative sample of households, ensuring that the survey reflects the diversity of the population. RDD involves random selection of telephone numbers for participant recruitment.


Telephonic Survey

BRFSS primarily relies on telephone interviews to collect data. This method allows for efficient and widespread data collection while maintaining participant anonymity.


Data Disaggregation

The process of breaking down survey results into smaller subgroups based on demographic characteristics (e.g., age, gender, race/ethnicity). This helps identify disparities in health behaviors and outcomes among different population segments.


Public Health Interventions

Strategies and actions developed based on BRFSS findings to address identified health risks and promote healthier behaviors. These interventions aim to improve overall community health and well-being.


Trend Analysis

Examination of BRFSS data over multiple years to identify patterns, changes, or trends in health behaviors and conditions. This analysis informs public health strategies and policies.


Community Health Assessment

A comprehensive evaluation of the health status and needs of a community, often utilizing BRFSS data as a key information source. It guides local health departments in planning and prioritizing public health initiatives.