Bed Utilization

The duration a patient spends in a hospital bed from admission to discharge, influencing bed turnover and resource allocation. Efficient bed utilization strategies aim to reduce unnecessary prolonged stays.


Admission Criteria

Criteria used to determine the necessity of admitting a patient to a hospital bed, often based on medical need, severity of illness, and available resources.


Discharge Planning

The process of preparing and coordinating a patient’s release from the hospital, ensuring timely and safe transitions of care to alternative settings, freeing up beds for new admissions.


Bedsore (Pressure Ulcer) Management

Strategies to prevent and manage pressure ulcers in bedridden patients, as prolonged immobility can lead to skin breakdown. Effective prevention contributes to shorter hospital stays and better bed turnover.


Surge Capacity

The ability of a healthcare facility to rapidly expand bed availability during periods of increased demand, such as during a public health emergency or natural disaster.



Grouping patients with similar conditions or infectious diseases together in designated areas, optimizing bed utilization by enhancing resource efficiency and infection control measures.


Electronic Bed Management Systems

Technological solutions that facilitate real-time tracking of bed availability, patient status, and discharge planning, enhancing communication among healthcare teams and optimizing bed allocation.


Bottleneck Analysis

Examination of points in the healthcare system where patient flow is impeded, identifying bottlenecks and implementing strategies to alleviate congestion and enhance bed utilization.


Telehealth and Remote Monitoring

Utilizing technology to remotely monitor and provide care for patients, reducing the need for physical beds and allowing for more flexible and efficient use of healthcare resources.


Utilization Review

A systematic evaluation of the necessity, appropriateness, and efficiency of healthcare services, including bed utilization, to ensure quality care delivery and cost-effectiveness.


Lean Healthcare Practices

Applying principles from lean management to healthcare, focusing on minimizing waste, improving efficiency, and optimizing bed utilization without compromising patient care.


Patient Flow Coordinator

A healthcare professional responsible for overseeing and optimizing the movement of patients through the healthcare system, coordinating bed assignments, and facilitating smooth transitions of care.


Occupancy Rate

The percentage of beds in use at a given time, calculated by dividing the number of occupied beds by the total number of available beds, expressing the capacity utilization of a healthcare facility.


Patient Throughput

The speed and efficiency at which patients move through the healthcare system, encompassing admission, treatment, and discharge, with the goal of minimizing delays and maximizing bed turnover.