Medical Loss Ratio (MLR)

The ratio of a health insurer’s healthcare-related expenses to its premium revenue, reflecting the percentage of premium revenue spent on medical claims and quality improvement activities, as opposed to administrative costs and profits.


Premium Revenue

The total amount of money collected by an insurance company from policyholders for providing healthcare coverage.


Healthcare-related Expenses

Costs incurred by insurers in providing medical services to policyholders, including payments for medical claims, prescription drugs, and quality improvement initiatives.


Medical Claims

Expenses incurred by policyholders for medical services covered under their health insurance plans, including doctor visits, hospital stays, surgeries, and diagnostic tests.


Quality Improvement Activities

Initiatives undertaken by insurers to enhance the quality and efficiency of healthcare services provided to policyholders, such as disease management programs, preventive care initiatives, and patient safety efforts.


Administrative Costs

Overhead expenses incurred by insurers in managing their operations, including salaries, marketing expenses, underwriting costs, and general administrative expenses.


Profit Margin

The percentage of premium revenue retained by insurers as profit after deducting healthcare-related expenses and administrative costs.


MLR Thresholds

Regulatory requirements set by government authorities, specifying the minimum percentage of premium revenue that insurers must spend on medical claims and quality improvement activities to comply with MLR regulations.


MLR Rebates

Refunds issued by insurers to policyholders if their MLR falls below the mandated thresholds, aiming to ensure that a significant portion of premium revenue is used for healthcare services rather than administrative expenses or profits.


MLR Reporting

The process through which insurers calculate and report their MLR to regulatory authorities, typically on an annual basis, providing transparency and accountability regarding the allocation of premium revenue towards healthcare services.