Medical Guidelines

Evidence-based recommendations that assist healthcare practitioners in making informed decisions about appropriate healthcare for specific clinical circumstances. These guidelines are developed through a systematic review of medical literature and expert consensus.


Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM)

Medical practice that integrates the best available evidence from research with clinical expertise and patient values to make decisions about patient care.


Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs)

Recommendations based on systematic reviews of evidence and expert consensus that help clinicians and patients make decisions about appropriate healthcare for specific clinical circumstances.


Standard of Care

The level and type of care that a healthcare provider is expected to deliver, typically based on accepted clinical practices, medical guidelines, and professional judgment.


Quality Indicators

Measures used to assess the performance of healthcare providers and healthcare systems against established standards, including adherence to medical guidelines and patient outcomes.


Consensus Statement

A formal statement developed by a group of experts in a particular field based on their collective expertise and agreement, often used to provide guidance on clinical practice when evidence is limited.


Clinical Pathways

Multidisciplinary plans of care that outline the recommended sequence and timing of interventions for a particular diagnosis, procedure, or condition, often based on medical guidelines and best practices.



The extent to which healthcare providers and patients follow recommended treatments, interventions, and medical guidelines in clinical practice.


Update Cycle

The frequency with which medical guidelines are reviewed, revised, and updated to reflect new evidence, changes in clinical practice, and advancements in healthcare.


Implementation Strategies

Approaches and methods used to facilitate the adoption and integration of medical guidelines into clinical practice, including education, training, incentives, and quality improvement initiatives.