Major Unusual Incident (MUI)

A significant event or occurrence in a healthcare setting that deviates from normal operations and has the potential to cause harm to individuals, including patients, staff, or visitors. MUIs require immediate attention, investigation, and appropriate action to prevent recurrence and ensure patient safety.


Adverse Event

An incident that results in harm to a patient, including medication errors, falls, surgical complications, infections acquired in healthcare facilities, or other adverse outcomes.


Sentinel Event

A serious unexpected occurrence in a healthcare setting involving death or serious physical or psychological injury to a patient, staff member, or visitor. Sentinel events require thorough investigation and reporting to accrediting bodies.


Near Miss

An event that could have resulted in harm but was prevented either by chance, timely intervention, or mitigation measures. Near misses are important indicators of potential risks in healthcare systems and processes.


Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

A systematic process used to identify the underlying causes of an adverse event or near miss in healthcare. RCA involves identifying contributing factors, analyzing causal relationships, and developing preventive measures to mitigate future occurrences.


Incident Reporting System

A structured mechanism for healthcare professionals to report MUIs, adverse events, near misses, and other incidents within healthcare facilities. Incident reporting systems facilitate identification, analysis, and resolution of safety concerns.


Patient Safety Culture

The shared values, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors within a healthcare organization that prioritize patient safety and encourage open communication, reporting of errors, and continuous improvement in healthcare delivery.


Quality Improvement (QI)

Systematic efforts to enhance the quality, safety, and efficiency of healthcare services through data-driven processes, performance measurement, and implementation of evidence-based practices to achieve better patient outcomes.


Adverse Drug Event (ADE)

Harm resulting from medication use, including medication errors, adverse drug reactions, allergic reactions, and overdoses. ADEs are a significant contributor to patient morbidity and mortality in healthcare settings.


Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

Ongoing education and training activities undertaken by healthcare professionals to maintain and enhance their knowledge, skills, and competencies in patient care, safety practices, and quality improvement initiatives.