Length of Stay (LOS)

Length of Stay (LOS) refers to the duration a patient spends within a healthcare facility from admission to discharge. It is a crucial metric in healthcare management and is often used to assess efficiency, resource allocation, and patient outcomes.



The process of a patient being formally accepted into a healthcare facility for medical treatment or care.



The formal release of a patient from a healthcare facility after completing treatment or when deemed medically stable.



A patient who requires hospitalization and stays within a healthcare facility for an extended period, typically overnight or longer.



A patient who receives medical treatment, tests, or procedures at a healthcare facility without being admitted for an overnight stay.


Average Length of Stay (ALOS)

A statistical measure calculated by dividing the total number of patient days by the total number of admissions during a specific period, often used to evaluate the efficiency of healthcare facilities.


Length of Stay Index (LOS Index)

A comparative measure that assesses the efficiency of a healthcare facility by comparing the actual length of stay for patients to the expected length of stay based on various factors such as diagnosis, severity of illness, and treatment protocols.


Extended Length of Stay (ELOS)

When a patient’s stay in a healthcare facility exceeds the typical or expected duration due to complications, comorbidities, or other factors.



The return of a patient to a healthcare facility for additional treatment or care within a specified period following discharge, often measured within 30 days.


Case Management

The process of coordinating and managing healthcare services for individual patients to optimize outcomes, including monitoring and addressing factors that may affect length of stay, such as care coordination, discharge planning, and resource utilization.